Foreword 2 : Walk Back on Timeline

 A Quickstep  on  Centuries from 2020 AD to  6000 BC

Bunty, though not yet six years of age had an ever-curious mind. He was quick to ask, ‘Daarji, What is BC’?

“BC stands for ‘Before Christ”, replied Daarji with a smile.
Still perplexed, Bunty questioned again. “But what does it mean Daarji”.

That would mean, dear Bunty, that all that happened before AD 1, that is the year Christ was born was known as ‘BC’.

Now, the term is “A.D.” can be a little baffling. It is a Latin phrase: Anno Domini, which means in ‘The Year of the Lord”— that simply means the year Jesus Christ was born.
Today if we are at 2020 AD….that makes it over 2020 years after the Birth of Christ”. 

“Do you know what that means”? He looks at them all questioningly.
 ”No”. He asked shaking his head and in unison, they shook their heads quite perplexed.

Daarji sat back, took off his glasses and gazed far into the distant skyline, trying to figure out a way to explain the complexities of BC and AD as simplistically as possible.

He had an idea and said, “Now, let’s do something interesting. “Come with me”, invited Daarji.
“Let’s walk back on the timeline through the centuries”, he said getting up from his chair.
“Let us imagine, we are in the present… And we stand at the point of start’ of this digital demo walk on the ‘Timeline’, pictured Daarji.

Here we are now in the new Millennium and in the ‘The 21st Century’.

 This is 2020 
The Now’ children”, saying this he laughs out loud to himself and continued, “Ha! Hah! You know it better than I do, that World is a happening place…

Social networking boom. And, so much more.
But, the big game-changer is going to be AI. That, my dear, is Artificial Intelligence.

20th Century 
had been phenomenal as well….Look at the changes that have happened during this time….. 
Modern medical breakthroughs.
Space Odyssey.
Information Technology.Computers and the Internet.
Communication satellites
Jet aeroplanes. Automobiles.Submarines.
Bunty jumped with delight, “See. Daarji see! That is an Aircraft Carrier.
Daarji patted his shoulder and said. “Yes, Bunty …and we have so much more”.

 The 19th century was the century of the firsts ….
we saw the Wright Brothers make the first flight 
Mechanical carriages … we call a car Benz Cars 1884 


The 18th century saw the Industrial revolution
 The Power Loom.
A steam Engine….And a bulb.
Followed by
The Telegraph.
 and more.

Then came the 17th century 
But for us, the best bit of the was
The birth of ‘Guru Gobind Singh’ and the creation of the ‘Khalsa Panth’.

Where are we now?

The 16th Century.
Reign of ‘Akbar the Great’ in India
 Elsewhere a first flushing toilet was put to use…..
And a thermometer came to be used.

With 15th  Century
 Came 1469… ….
Guru Nanak Devji was born …
and later Babar the founder of the Mughal Empire invaded India.

Dawn of the 14th century was also the beginning of the age of explorers and discoveries
Christopher Columbus.
Vasco de Gama …
 Bunty effusive as ever excited spotted the first-hand guns and said. “Daarji see ..Guns….Cannons…Boom! Boom!

13th century. interestingly we find a Snakes and Ladder like the game in India. Compass.

12th Century 
What next….Fireworks in China …and Abacus.

Come 11th Century t
he era of Muslim invasions begins
Arab Turks are the first….

10th Century…….
The wonder of surgical procedures….in India and abroad….
Spinning wheel in India

Sometime at the start of the 7th century AD, approximately 600 years after the founding of Christianity, It was beginning of Islam…

What we saw till now is AD. It used in the Gregorian calendar to refer to the era after the ‘Birth of Christ’. That is the current era.
AD  the Abbreviation for Anno Domini,

BIRTH OF CHRIST… Up to here, it is AD. Birth of Christ ends the AD.

BC is the abbreviation for centuries  'Before Christ'.

1000 BC 

A lot happened in the last millennium of BC
Ramayan and Mahabharata.
Rise and fall Roman Empire….


Games happened in Olympia, Greece.
The first  seed of Olympics

Wow!  Came Bunty ’s smart one again. Wow!  The first Olympics. They ran like Mikha Singh Daarji?
'Yes, Bunty … Bravo Beta. But let us move on.'. Said Daarji.


So we come to the Birth of Lord Buddha…..

The building of the Great Wall of China ….

The world population then was only…50,000,000 million.
Today it is more than 7 billion….140 times more

1500 BC. 
There we are in the Vedic period.

Around 2000 BC, 
We saw the beginning of the decline of the Indus valley.
And the rise of some other River Valley civilizations ….. 
Egypt. Mesopotamia
And coming of Aryans in India.
And it is the beginning of Indus Valley   Civilisation around 3000- 3300 .BC


Interesting Info
Notation as the 'Common Era' is also one of the systems used in the World.
CE is a Common era now…also addressed as AD
BCE is the era before CE...that is addressed as BC.
